My True Obsession-first graders

My first graders say the funniest and cutest things sometimes. Here is what they say....

We were listening to music one morning in class before school started...Proud Mary was playing. A little boy excitedly said that he loved this song! He listened for awhile and then asked..."Are they saying, rolling up a window or rolling down the river?"

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Trick or Treat!

     I LOVE Halloween! 

      I think it is a time in the year when you can go and be anybody or anything you want and not worry about what others think.  I realize that I shouldn't worry about what others think, but I do and I know that I am not the only one out there that does also. I am always thinking about what I could be for Halloween. I have been dressing up as an adult for the past four or five years. I get very excited when the times comes to get dressed up. I do have to say I wish there were more Halloween parties for adults to attend.  
     I think everyone should dress up on October 31!

Here are some of my past costumes...

Whitetrash Pregnant Woman (probably one of my favorites)

A Loofa Sponge

A Pirate Wench

Thursday, September 29, 2011

I'mmm baaack!

I am back!! It has been a long time since I have posted. It's not that I haven't been obsessed with things, because I have. It is just that I haven't felt like writing. Now I do feel like writing...
     I am totally obsessed with tv right now. It is that time of year when all the new series and seasons begin. I am cheap and don't have a dvr, so that means that I end up having to choose what to watch on certain nights when shows are on at the same time.
     Here are some of the shows  and what I think about them...Pan Am - very good drama on Sunday nights, Playboy club - good but it is on Monday and so I don't think I will be able to watch it much because of other shows, and Charlie's Angels - good, but definitly not one that I have to see every week in order to know what is happening on the show.

I think this may be my favorite so far. I watched Rachel Bilson in the OC and absolutely love her!! She is quirky and adorable at the same time. 

     I love Ringer! Sarah Michelle Geller is awesome in this new drama. It is suspenseful every episode, even though there has only been two episodes so far.

I have been watching this sitcom since it began and I still love it. My favorite character is Barney, of course. They are all funny characters, but he cracks me up every time.

Love, love, love this show! Molly is hilarious and deserves every emmy she gets. She is one beautiful, hilarious, fluffy girl!

I am of course still watching Greys Anatomy,  and Private Practice. I sometimes watch the Housewives of whatever city is showing, but they have begun to irritate me because of how immature they are. They are always fighting and yelling at one another. Silly!!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Summer is Here!

     Summer is here and I am ready to complete my project list, so that I can start a new one. I have been writing down different projects that I want to do this summer and I am very excited!! I have already finished knitting some fingerless gloves for a Christmas present. I still need to take pictures. I also made two cute owls for coworkers and they loved them. 

      This is not the one I gave them, but it is one I did for me on a (busy snow day) this past winter. I did not put long skinny legs on theirs, which was actually cuter without the legs.  I was a little anxious about giving them to them, because I wasn't sure if they would like them. I forgot to take pictures though. 


     Well, I am off to work on a project from my list. 

Stay cool....

Monday, March 14, 2011

Mother Nature

I think that mother nature is a little off her rocker! I live in Missouri and I know that if it is sunny one minute, just close your eyes and when you open them it could very well be raining. Well, that is what happened this morning. I went to bed while it was raining outside (normal for march). I woke up this morning and there is snow on the ground! SNOW! Doesn't Mother Nature know that spring is happening this week? I love snow, but I love it in December, January, and February.
  I have a theory that I think should happen...we have four seasons and 12 months in a year. Each season should be around for three months and only three months. Spring and Fall always seem to be around for only 1 or 2 months, summer and winter seem to always be around for longer.  I realize that my theory won't happen but it does sound nice.
   The snow that is on my grass will be gone in a day or so when it is supposed to be in the 60's and 70's for the rest of the week.  Let the sinus problems begin...uggh.

Even the squirrels are confused?!?

Saturday, February 12, 2011

busy snow days

I have had 7 snow days this year, which is a lot for me. During the snow days, I tried to keep busy with different projects that I had on my list to do.  There were fun snow days, but I have to say after two in a row I was ready to go back to work.  Let me just say that there is nothing on TV during the day, so I watched movies a lot while working on my projects. Here are some projects I have finished during those snowy days as well as since then...
this is a wine bottle wind chime for my sister. I had been only using one wine bottle, but then I thought why not try to layer them. I like it so much that I am going to make me one with blue wine bottles. It also will give me another reason to drink a good bottle of wine.

 My friend bought this yarn and asked me to knitt her some fingerless gloves. No problem, except that when I made these they ended up really long. I thought they would be ok, but the more I looked at them and thought about my friend's tiny hands I decided that they wouldn't work. I took them apart and will be trying them again, maybe with a different pattern.

 I saw the pattern for this owl on a blog when I first began my obsession with owls and reading blogs. It was a free tutorial and I absolutly fell in L-O-V-E, love. This is the first one I have made. I plan on making more for my friends and family, even if they don't want one. I think for some of my family members I am going to make it a door stop and I will probably not put legs on her. They were kind of a pain in the behind.
 Thank you to Toad's Treasures for the great tutorial!
Now my thinking is, I have two choices...clean my house or work on some of my projects?!?

What are you obsessed with today?


She obsessed over being the center of attention.

Sophie 2

Sophie 2
She is obsessed over her toys.

Sophie 3

Sophie 3
She is obsessed with the animals in her yard.


She is obsessed with barking at anything and everything